Who are We?

Me, Bpoo, and Margaret!

Not sure what exactly led me to make the crazy decision to be a Stay-At-Home-Dad (SAHD), but I did so…and I have no regrets!

My wife Margaret, daughter Bethany Rose, and I left London, England for sunny California in March 2012. Bethany, or “Bpoo” (short for Bethypoo) was seven months old, oblivious to the chaos involved with an international move. How lucky for her!

I finally decided it was the right time to continue with education while being a SAHD. This will be easy, I thought to myself…

…and immediately discovered that maybe this new gig might be a tad bit difficult! Bpoo, it seems, enjoyed keeping me on my toes with her wacky personality and fussy ways. I’m sure many SAHDs have felt exactly the same way, and wondered who in my new neighborhood was in the same situation.

It’s been an exciting ride since relocating to Petaluma, and I hope to meet others who have exciting stories to share.

UPDATE: We are back in London, and excited for this new chapter of our life!


5 Responses to “Who are We?”

  1. northmelbournemum

    Sonoma County – what a great place to be, and what a great choice to be a SAHD.

    • Father Jogger

      Hi! Sonoma County is nice, and definitely different from London. I hope we eventually can make it out to Australia…when our daughter is a bit older and happier sitting still!

  2. Dylan Hearn

    I’m also a SAHD and yes, as far as I can find there are very few Father Child groups anywhere (I live in the UK though not near the smelly trains of London). It’s been a year for me so far and there is still so much to learn, mainly because the children keep changing the rules! Good luck!


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